Mike Loves Jenny
In everyday life, there are many different people and many different ways of feeling. Sometimes it seems as if we casually walk through everyday life. The paths we know because we see them everyday. Do you think you know it? I know that they see things differently than I do, but I also know that there are many things that are the same. I'm relieved by that, and thrilled by the way he sees things that I don't. He's always trying to make everyday interesting. Another man sees a different slice of life. Another way of looking at it. It's important to him, and he picks at it. It doesn't matter if it has meaning or not. You just like it there. He enlarges a part of such a fragment, and he redraws it with his own way of looking at it. Even if you look at the same square, you feel differently, you cannot be the sames as others, and you want to fly around freely. I want to fly freely. We used to cruise through the city on skates, and downhill together over there. My line and his line were different, but we started from the same place. We took different lines, but at the end, we overlapped again and were happy together. It was like that. Playing with everyday life, feeling, cruising, drawing, each person's different point of view, these days it's natural, but not natural, we see with our eyes, but in reality, it's about CATCHing our senses. FEEL.