Don't Disturb My Disqueting Mood
This book is compiled from photographs I took mainly in Tokyo from 1995 to 1998 when I was traveling back and forth between Tokyo and New York City, together with those taken more recently in 2018. During the years I spent a lot of time in the US. I felt thrilled every time I returned to Tokyo. After experiencing such a great city as New York, any city appeared smaller and Tokyo seemed exotic. Released from the years of academic education and still unemployed, I could fully enjoy my freedom. Carrying my camera, I carefully observed individual faces in crowds crossing intersections towards me from the other side. Above all, everyone I met in Tokyo was kind to me. However, I had to distract my uncomfortable feelings by taking photographs when I was alone. When photographing, I enjoyed feeling as if I were a character in a film. I settled permanently in Tokyo from 1999 and began to shoot photographs for advertisements and magazines. I became acquainted with many people and started a family. Now that I have lived in Tokyo longer than any other place, it is not easy to take photographs of Tokyo from a fresh perspective. Security makes my vision dull. Better that I stay in a disquieting mood when I walk around the streets with my camera in hand.”
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